

DSCAM and Dscam are both abbreviations for Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule. In humans, DSCAM refers to a gene that encodes one of several protein ... History/discovery · Gene · Functions · Clinical significance


Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule is conserved in mouse and highly expressed in the adult mouse brain.

DSCAM gene triplication causes excessive GABAergic synapses in ...

Here, we show that DSCAM levels regulate GABAergic synapses formed on neocortical pyramidal neurons (PyNs). In the Ts65Dn mouse model for DS, ...

Gene: DSCAM (ENSG00000171587) - Summary

This gene has 3 transcripts (splice variants), 1 gene allele, 281 orthologues and 36 paralogues. Transcripts. Show ...

DSCAM Gene - DS Cell Adhesion Molecule

DSCAM: a novel member of the immunoglobulin superfamily maps in a Down syndrome region and is involved in the development of the nervous system. Human molecular ...

DSCAM DS cell adhesion molecule [ (human)]

The most significant was DSCAM, a neurological gene expressed widely in the developing brain and in the amygdala and hippocampus of the adult ...

A comparative overview of DSCAM and its multifunctional roles in ...

DSCAM (Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule) is a unique neuronal adhesion protein with extensively documented multifaceted functionalities.


The leading DS candidate gene is trisomy of the Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM). This study found that Dscam1 protein is expressed ...

Cell adhesion molecule DSCAM - Homo sapiens (Human)

Cell adhesion molecule that plays a role in neuronal self-avoidance. Promotes repulsion between specific neuronal processes of either the same cell or the same ...


DSCAMandDscamarebothabbreviationsforDownsyndromecelladhesionmolecule.Inhumans,DSCAMreferstoagenethatencodesoneofseveralprotein ...History/discovery·Gene·Functions·Clinicalsignificance,Downsyndromecelladhesionmoleculeisconservedinmouseandhighlyexpressedintheadultmousebrain.,Here,weshowthatDSCAMlevelsregulateGABAergicsynapsesformedonneocorticalpyramidalneurons(PyNs).IntheTs65DnmousemodelforDS, ....
